søndag den 2. december 2007

"All I want for Christmas"

Så blev det 2. december og 1. søndag i advent. Jeg har ikke fået lavet en adventkrans i år. Synes det kniber med tiden, men som altid står min mormors lille keramik-krans fremme. Det er ikke meget, men bedre end ingenting og hyggeligt sådan en regnfuld søndag.

2nd December and first Sunday of Advent - I don't know if it's a Scandinavian tradition, but we light a candle every Sunday counting down to Christmas the last 4 Sundays before Christmas eve. We do things a bit different here, our Christmas is 24th where we dance around the tree, eat alot and exchange presents. 25th and 26nd are holidays and alot of families have lots of gettogethers where they eat alot and talk all day.
I didn't have time to make my Advent-decoration, so I'm only using my grandmothers small one made from pottery. It's not alot, but better than nothing and nice on a rainy Sunday like this.

Her til aften ser jeg en af mine absolut ynglingsjulefilm: "Love actaully" - købte den, det år, den kom frem og har godtnok set den mange gange. Hvis du ikke kender den, og er til "Fire brylluper og en begravelse", "Notting Hill", "Bridget Jones" m.m. så kan den klart anbefales.

I'm watching one of my absolut favorit Christmas films: "Love actually" - bought it the year it was realeased and have seen it maaany time. If you don't know it and like "Four weddings and a funeral", Nothing Hill", "Bridget Jones" etc it can be recommended.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

siger bare "As If" og lader Maria gætte resten....*G*